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  • Writer's pictureEvropská Akademie vzdělávání

A.I. - artificial intelligence - the end of the world or a great helper?

Artificial intelligence is a big topic that is being discussed intensively. Is it a saviour and a helper, or is it technology to be feared?

What risks can AI bring

Like any other technological advancement, AI comes with its risks.

There is talk of robots causing stock market instability, or drones serving as weapons. After all, war in Ukraine proves that, in conjunction with artificial intelligence, the Russians are clearly abusing drones.

AI can also have a destructive effect on the human psyche, as the risk of becoming addicted to them cannot be underestimated. performance, hence the elimination of their own intelligence. Experts are also looking into the idea of the extinction of the human race,

if AI surpasses human reasoning abilities.

Despite these scenarios, it is necessary not to shy away from technology and to learn how to work with it. It is necessary to understand the advantages of this technology and the two sides of it. It offers a number of advantages and can give us a significant facilitate many areas of our work.

Artificial intelligence is therefore unavoidable

According to the European Parliament, this phenomenon is fundamental to the digital transformation of society. At present Today, we use this technology on a daily basis, even though we may not even be aware of it. This is the case for example, online shopping, advertising, internet searches, machine translation or smart features, that are appearing in our homes.

More and more experts will be needed to make AI serve us well. Do you want to get into the ins and outs of this fascinating field?

Try an AI course at the European Academy of Education. The individual lessons will give you an overview of how to use this new technology and teach you the basics for your own use or for use in a company or school.

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